THE BEST SELLING, LETTERS FROM GOD, HAS NOW BECOME A CLASSIC! "A beautiful devotional experience...
The Lovable You
A book can be a living miracle when it's content releases medicine from Heaven. It can mend lifel...
Letters From God For Children
Hardcover Devotional for parents and their children! Ivan has a tender belief in this next ge...
Love Fixes Things Series
WHAT IN YOUR LIFE NEEDS FIXING? Your marriage? Your self-worth? Your personality? Your relation...
The Prophetic Parent
Never has it been so important to be a wise, connected, consistent, and prophetic parent. Mee...
How to be led by the Holy Spirit
Learn the 7 secrets to detecting the voice of God. You will learn how to: Tune your ears to the ...
How to Live Inside the Presence of God
Activate the keys that unlock the wonder and power of God’s presence. Available on CD or Digital ...
How to Find the Love of Your Life
Be equipped with the revelation and wisdom for finding the right person to marry. Available on CD...
How to Overcome Any Temptation Instantly
Don’t stay vulnerable or defeated. Find the triggers and disable them.
How to Bless Your House and Remove Every Evil Presence
This is a practical, step-by-step instruction on cleansing the atmosphere of your house.
Full Library
365 Things Your Children Should Know Before They Leave Your House
This book is a medicine cabinet of divine cures and preventions. It is a sledgehammer against...
12 Secrets of Answered Prayer
Every person on earth wants and needs their prayers answered. This 4x CD series will give you the...
The Forgiveness Cure
If we refuse to give the cure, we inherit the disease. We do not have a revelation deficit, we...
The Open Heaven Life
Too many Christians are living under a Heaven that has been closed by God Himself. This powerful ...
The Journey of a Man
Regardless of age or job title, every man is in one of three stages in his life: Orphan, Son, or ...
Becoming God Wealthy
There is money-wealth that can leave us God-poor, and there is God-wealth that leaves us life-ric...
The Bible Rich Life
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD TO ALL DEVICES God’s Word holds the power for the life you have been promised. I...
Woman Defined
Do you know your true worth? Do you know why you are divine and so magnificent? Do you truly und...
The Tangibility of God DVD
The series, "The Tangibility of God," is probably the most significant series I have ever done be...
How to Speak Mountaineze
This teaching will completely change your world! Ivan reveals how to remove mountains from your l...
Letters From God
Also available in Spanish DAILY DEVOTIONAL- 374 PAGES- If God wrote you a letter everyday for a...
The Fruitful Life
5 Sessions- 15 Powerful revelations- Your Start to seeing more fruit in your life!- For every f...
The Tangibility of God
The Importance of Being Relevant
It is a very rare and difficult thing to live out the fulfillment of God's purpose in our lives. ...
Revival Rx
THE CURE FOR THE STAGNANT LIFE To live in the center of God's heart is to live in the center of a...
Eating the Whole Lamb
Only Jesus can satisfy, transform and make whole. We need every part of Jesus to invade every par...
Finding Your Promised Land
This series is designed for the totally surrendered Christian whose desire is to go beyond the st...